მთავარი » 2008»maisi»21 » World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Full Version (2.4.1 Patch)
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Full Version (2.4.1 Patch)
OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4); Windows XP (Service Pack 2) Processor: Intel Pentium3 800MHz or AMD Duron 800MHz Memory: 512 MB RAM, 1GB RAM is recommended Video: Minimum: 32MB 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting, such as an NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or above. Recommended: 64MB VRAM 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability, such as an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 class card or above. Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
Mac System Requirements OS: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or newer required Processor: 933MHz G4/G5 processor, 1.8GHz G5/Intel or better recommended RAM: 512MB RAM, 1GB DDR RAM is recommended Video: NVIDIA or ATI graphics processor with 32MB VRAM, 64MB VRAM recommended
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